I have always made no secret of the fact that I'm not into exercise. It's not that I'm lazy, I just find exercise boring...and I hate that sweaty feeling that you get when you've been working out. Well, that and the fact that I'm stuck in a cycle of fat because I don't exercise and difficult to exercise because I'm fat. Anyway recently I decided to get out of my funk, quit whining and do something about my ever decreasing fitness levels.
Since getting sick in December I've lost 25 pounds, most of it through sickness originally, but then as my appetite came back i had to fight really hard to keep it off - before going for even more weight loss. 2 months later and I've lost 25 pounds now, so today I thought it was time that I embarked on an exercise plan. So, when I got home from work I went into the garage and dusted off my treadmill.
I'll be honest, my efforts were pathetic by most people's standards. But I did way better than I expected as I managed 15 minutes at a fair pace. So this evening I'm pleased because I'm seeing some pretty good results from my lifestyle changes now. My weight is down, my fitness is better, I'm sleeping better and my blood pressure is lower (though it was also within normal limits before too...surprisingly!).
I've also been trying to work exercise into my daily life by doing more housework. I'm loving having a cleaner more organised house, and I get the benefit of FREE exercise too.
For those of you who are busy people, how do you squeeze in a little extra activity? I'm not necessarily looking for organised activities like the gym and classes, but ways to just generally be more active. There must be other improvements I can make.
Must dash, dinner is about to burn!