I made up my mind about the awards dinner thingy that I blogged about last time. After speaking to somebody who went on it last year I've decided not to go. I do love a good party but when I weighed up the pros and cons about it I just figured out that I didn't have much to gain.....and nobody really had anything to gain by me being there. So I figured I might as well say no so that somebody who really wants to go can use my ticket. To be honest I'm kind of relieved now I've made up my mind as I'm not really feeling terribly sociable at the moment.
On the family front....I had the family here at the weekend and we spent the time hanging out in the garden and having a BBQ etc. It was fantastic but I feel like I need a weekend to get over the weekend. I love my family and miss them. I haven't had them here since Christmas day last year when we got up to shenanigans such as
wii tennis and generally being silly. Unfortunately I couldn't find my memory card for my camera (mum was thrilled about that!) so I have no pics - but here's one from Christmas :)
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