still smiling... |
After a period of reflection over the last couple of weeks, I can honestly admit that I am NOT in fact super human and can not in fact work 90-100 hour weeks any more...nope! Having scared my family once again (and myself this time) by how run down I have got in the run up to Christmas, I have had to have a difficult think about how best to proceed with my life. Something has got to give, I have GOT to learn to stop placing super human demands on my body....and I need to start looking after myself better too. Otherwise I'm just going to end up like the photo above, all over again. I can't do this any more, this lifestyle. I feel sad, but for a few months at least, my blogs are going to have to take a back seat while I get some tests run and take more time out to relax...properly. I will be making some announcements on my main blog shortly.
See that tired old looking woman in the pic?? Well that was me in the run up to Christmas (taken BEFORE I went downhill on Christmas eve). If I carry on with the lifestyle I have now, it's only a matter of time before I go back to that...and I can't do that to my family any more.
I will still be online and will be meeting my custom blog designs that are on order, but after that I'll be cutting things back for a while.
Love your precious heart....please, please, please take time just for you...don't worry about pleasing others. Sometimes we have to think of ourselves FIRST!!! Love you...praying for you!
I'm happy you are doing much better but I think you do, do too much for your design blog anyway!! You've GOT TO SLOW DOWN chickie!! Cut back, everyone will understand, I promise :)
Get well, my friend!! XOXO
Thanks you two. I just find it frustrating letting people down because as much as MOST people understand fact is SOME people don't. I'm honestly giving up trying to please everyone now though as it's driving me to an early grave!
My blog reader has been messed up so I've been out of the loop! Praying that you are recovering quickly- not so you can go back to work- but so you can rest and play with your hubbie while you're taking a break. I can't imagine how you've ever managed to get everything done that you do. You'll still be superwoman to me- even when you do cut back. Take care of you! Blessings! :)
Holy Cow Louise! You need to cut yourself some slack...find lazy or even relaxed :) I have so appreciated your presence online and our friendship of sorts, I hope you understand when I say, "Take a break and take care of yourself!"
I am glad you are on the mend and will do everything I can to ensure that you don't end up like that again.
Wow!! Hugs to you Louise!
I seem to be on the mend now - just really trying not to get back into that state! LOL
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