the Queen meets the staff |
I've known about this for a while but for security reasons I couldn't mention this earlier...which is a laugh since it seems to have been general knowledge! The Queen visited hubby's workplace today to meet some of the workers. He said he was in "spitting distance" of the Queen (his words, not mine...though I'm not sure she'd have appreciated it) although he struggled to get some decent pics.
I had to laugh at some of the preparations that have gone on for this visit:
- Nobody has been allowed to use the stairs for over 2 weeks in case they get them dirty. Apparently the Queen doesn't use lifts....I really had to laugh at this one because I have been to this building and it is huge. The first floor (where she was heading) is actually equivalent to the 6th floor the building is that tall. Even I struggled to make it up there without dying (I went there for a conference last year) so how would a nearly 90 year old manage? Needless to say she DID end up getting the lift....I wonder if it was as clean as the stairs LOL
- The building was painted too - Andy remarked " I wonder if the Queen thinks the whole world smells of paint". I guess there's nothing like a visit from the Queen to motivate you into a little decorating.
on her way... |
no sign of the corgies... |
Very cool!! Love the 'spitting distance' comment...LMAO :P
you are too funny! I can't believe that they wouldn't let anyone use the stairs for two weeks in case they got them dirty. As for the spitting comment I think if he HAD hit the mark it might have been off to the Tower for him *ROFL*
That's funny. I'm sure that she realizes the world doesn't smell of fresh paint. I hear she's pretty thrifty and I don't think they paint those palaces every day! :P
When Andy says "spitting" distance, was he tempted? LOL. Luckily she wears a hat everywhere. I don't think she'd even know.
LOL, That is simply amazing! All we are hearing about now is the talk of the Royal Wedding! I would like to send Kate a copy of the Beth Moore study Esther- It's Tough Being a Woman in Another Woman's Shadow! Bless her heart! Everything she does will have a picture of Lady Di beside it.
I know! I've switched off to it all because quite frankly I am not THAT interested if you know what I mean. I guess I'm not really into celebrities, movie stars and royals really LOL.
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